Like many creative businesses, Covid took its toll. I had confidence issues as it was, and then when 2 years of rolling lock downs was done, it was just too much to go back into, you know?
It’s 5 years on from covid now, so how am I feeling about the photography business? It’s kind of on the back burner. I’ve emotionally and spiritually been through a lot in those 5 years. And things have changed. We still have the web design business, and that got us through those locked down years. We now homeschool our daughter, and that takes a lot of time an energy. I love it, but the things I do in my life currently are exhausting. So photography is a nice place to visit, but I don’t want to it to come with pressure.
In fits of motivation and inspiration, I’m slowly putting together my photography website. But you’re a web designer, shouldn’t it be easy? When it’s for someone else, it’s easy. When it’s for me, not so much. And I find gaps in my portfolio, and it stalls. It’s not my current focus, so I’ll fill those gaps when I can find the space to. But for now, it’s a place to walk lightly.
And walking that path lightly, brings me here. Where I can shoot what I like, and post what I like. Explore the world in a way that’s meaningful to me, for where I am right now.
Are there any areas where you’re putting too much pressure on yourself?