Ahoy hoy! It’s taking stock time! It’s been such a busy month around Indie Creative headquarters. Not so much with Indie but with the many other projects I have on the go. A new one that I’m super excited about will be launching soon so stay tuned! (more…)

Just get started …
So I’ve got a couple of projects that I’m working on at the moment. Both writing. One of the two features that I’m working on has me a little stumped. I’m blocked, but not creatively. I’m blocked by fear. Fear that what I write will be total rubbish. Fear that I wont do this lovely lady justice when writing her story. If you’ve ever tried to write, well write anything, I’m sure you can sympathise. The little bastard devil on my shoulder is telling me I’m not good enough, you can’t do it. You should go clean the kitchen, do some washing, pick up some toys … insert procrastination of your choice here.
I know I can do stuff when I can quieten the voice long enough to keep moving, or get started. Time to fight back. As Nike says, just do it and I do like to follow sports brands advice.
So here goes, I’ll just nick off, get out my trusty notepad and 4 pen for a bit and ‘just do it’.
… But for now the baby’s awake. I’ll get to it later …

Dear neighbour …
Dear Neighbour
Imagine this for a moment. You’ve had a week from hell with work deadlines. You haven’t had any sleep because your infant is teething and you’ve had maybe 5 hours a night for the past week. As it is you’re waking up every morning with a massive headache and you’re so tired your eye balls are rolling around on the floor somewhere in the other room. (more…)

Fashion festival time in Bendigo
I’m a week behind but better late than never right? Following the fashion weeks in the big cities my home town of Bendigo is having its turn. Our little town is having its turn at putting fashion at the fore front of the minds of Bendigo ladies, its a time to celebrate what we wear. I know we like to say that it shouldn’t matter what we wear, it’s what’s on the inside that counts … right? Sure it does, but sometimes it’s just plain nice to get all gussied up and look at some pretty clothes.
I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the festival. Held at our world class art gallery, there was the delicious Balgownie bubbles, some gorgeous little canapes and a look at the Undressed exhibition. I had a delightful time hanging out with my lovely (and totally gorgeous) sis in law and meeting some lovely new peeps.
I especially enjoyed the exhibition which I hadn’t quite gotten to just yet – I try to get to as many exhibitions as I can, because I’m all cultural like that. I’m totally amazed by the types of undies that were on display and even more amazed that women actually wore this stuff. From the boned underskirts to the metal corsets. Suckers for punishment I reckon. No thanks … I’ll stick with my underwireless maternity bra and cotton undies.
Love, Ky x

Taking stock 002 September 2014
It’s been an unwell couple of weeks around our place. We’ve all had the flu. With copious amounts of medication, bed rest, warm tea and trashy tv we’re now on the mend. It’s so much harder to have the flu when you have a little one who doesn’t sleep through the night, it’s been quite a shock really. When normally I’d be curled up in a nice warm bed, sniffling and coughing, I’ve been up trying to settle a teething little one.
To all the mamas out there, you deserve a medal for all you do for your little ones.
I’m not going to dwell too much on flu, instead I’ll do a taking stock! I love doing these, it gives me a chance to be mindful about what I’m doing at the moment. Join in, you can find the template here on pips blog.

Starting a writing habit
Ooooh is this a hard habit to start or what? I enjoy writing once I get going and I have a million different things I can write about. But I’m finding that with everything going on in my life (read: working full time, full time care of an almost toddler, cooking, cleaning yada yada) that I’m not making writing a priority. (more…)

Printable: a little note
Here is ‘a little note’ I whipped up to go with an invitation I created last night. It’s A5 sized paper and yours to download and print. Non commercial use only.
Download ‘a little note’ printable
Ky xo

Well, hello there sexy!
When you’re waiting for something to arrive EVERYTHING sounds like a delivery truck. Hoons on motorbikes, cute barking puppy dogs, the baby crying …. admit it, you race to door 80 times a day too. (more…)

A ‘moment’ captured
This sexy little guy arrived by courier last week. (Is it sad that I find cameras sexy?) He’s an Olympus OMD EM10 I’ve affectionately nicknamed Olly. I was introduced to Olly about a month ago when I saw an Instagram competition on one of my favourite blogs (you can check it out here Fat Mum Slim).

Getting started with ancestral (paleo) eating
Ancestral or paleo eating has become a big part of my life over the last (almost) two years. I’ve benefited in many ways with the most obvious being weight loss. I’ve had some people ask how I’ve achieved it, so here’s a getting started guide. Click through to find some of my favourite websites that explain the ins and outs of the paleo lifestyle.
My getting started with paleo eating guide
Stay tuned to find out why I do eat this way, and what my ancestral eating template looks like.
Ky xo

Taking Stock 001
What better way to start off my blog than to share some things about me.

Creating and learning
Hi! I’m Ky and welcome to Indie Creative. This is my own little space on the interwebs for sharing the things I find interesting. I’ve recently made some decisions in my life to commit to learning and creating more. I choose to be more thoughtful with consuming.
I’m learning more about photography. I’m learning more about design. I’m learning more about writing. I’m learning more about myself.
I’m creating a photography business, you can find my site over at www.kyhanson.com.au. I’m creating clothes for my little one. I’m creating beautiful meals. I’m creating food to eat in our garden. I’m creating a blog to tell you all about it.
Ky xx