In October 2014 I rediscovered the joy of podcasts. I was listening to podcasts about writing, writers, SEO, audience building, business building, entrepreneurship and marketing because they all relate to my current job. (My favourite podcasts)
I enjoyed them, especially the interviews with writers. I’ve always been enamoured with how writers write and create. The Portfolio Life podcast by Jeff Goins is one that really spoke to me.
Jeff’s philosophy is that we all have a calling, some type of work that we need to do and need to work at, to build our skills, and feed our passion. I thought for quite some time that mine was writing.
But I was struggling with the passion side of doing it every day. While I liked it, I didn’t love it. It turns out I wasn’t looking deep enough into myself.
One day driving in the car the current episode of The Portfolio Life had ended and the next in the main playlist started.
It was a photography podcast downloaded on a whim, called ‘So you want to be a photographer’. One episode and I was hooked.
A few episodes in and after getting my camera out again to take some pictures, I realised what was lacking when I was writing.
When I take or make photographs, my heart overflows with joy, gratitude and amazement.
Ever since, I’ve been taking photos most days. Reading and watching videos, practicing my techniques in lighting, directing, editing and post production. And I’ve been loving it.
I plan on making a career out of it and I’m petrified. What if nobody likes my work? What if I stuff up? What if I’m really no good? … I know you’re probably battling the same issues of self worth.
I wish that I could take it full time straight away. But like all good things, with patience, practice and hard work good things will grow.
And so, we have a change in direction for Indie Creative. Indie Creative is still my space for documenting those little things that touch me, and strike my mood, but it is also a place to share my love for and the things I learn about. So why not join me? Get over your fear and start learning about what ever it is you love.
What I’m passionate about …
- My family. The people that give my life meaning. They are the reason I work everyday to become the best version of myself. I love being with them and watching them grow and become passionate about the things they love.
- Photography. I love making and creating beautiful images. I love learning how to direct and pose people, learning how to light the scene, learning how to process the images to create works of art. I love showing people the images I make of them.
- Writing. Ever since I learned to read when I was about 10, I’ve have loved it. I love making new friends and getting lost in someone else’s life for a short time. My love of reading has lead to a love of writing. You’ll find some of my creative writing on here as well.
- Food and health. For a long time in my life I battled fatigue, illness and pain. Food has become the healing power in my life.
- Learning. I struggled a lot in school and uni with the topics I found boring. Brain just said nope, don’t want to do it. It put me off learning for many years. But something happened a few years ago when I discovered the healing power of food. I found that when I’m interested in a topic I can read for hours and hours. I immerse myself in the topic, learning everything I can. It changes you at your core.
A few things I believe …
- What would this look like if it were easy? If I feel stressed, stretched thin, or overwhelmed … It’s usually because I’m over complicating something. Or, failing to take the simple/easy path because I feel I should be trying “harder”. —Tim Ferris Blog
- Read widely; books, blogs, magazines. Read it all. Especially on your current topic of interest.
- Failure is not a bad thing. Its an opportunity to learn and do it better next time.
- If you can’t do something, figure it out. Or, find some one who can.
- Use the right tools for the job, even if you have to pay for them.
- Good things don’t happen just by wishing for them. Good things happen because you work your arse off.
- The harder you work, the luckier you get.
- We can be our own worst enemy. Be kind to others, be kind to yourself.
- Decide on your goals and values. If a task or decision is not building towards your goals or isn’t in line with your values. Do you really want to or need to do it?
- It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. The small things will get you to your goal.
- Question the value of everything. Does it ultimately contribute to where you’re trying to go?
- Instead of scarcity, live a life of abundance. Be generous and helpful and it will come back later on.
- Balance is an illusion. Do the best you can, to meet your goals both professionally and personally. Be gentle on yourself during the process.
- The questions that you ask yourself can change the way you perceive the world.
- Find a listening partner, someone on the same page as you that understands where you’re going. Be a support for each other.
- Life is not for living alone. Life is about building community and a support system that helps everyone get where they want to go.
- If it’s stressing you out, is it something that won’t matter in 5 years? No? Let it go
I’d love to hear your mantras that get you through the tough times. Drop me a line below.