Like many creative businesses, Covid took its toll. I had confidence issues as it was, and then when 2 years of rolling lock downs was done, it was just too much to go back into, you know?
(more…)Category: Photography
Portrait of the Aussie bush
I’ve just been on a little trip to Melbourne to pick up a wide angle zoom. Previously, the widest lens I had was the 28mm on a 28-75 zoom. And as I’m sure as a photographer yourself, you can relate – after hours spent researching and debating the options, I decided on the Canon 16-35 f4.0 IS. It reviewed well for sharpness and the IS is a great feature when you shoot video as well as stills. (more…)
It’s not about waiting for your mojo, just start creating
Days are filled with the busy life. Raising kids, working the day job to pay the bills and the general “I’m so tired, I can’t drag my arse off the couch.” I’m tired of that so I’m making some changes. (more…)
Practice, practice, practice
Practice, practice, practice. The mantra of anyone wanting to be great at something. Now to schedule in time to do more of it. (more…)
Not where I wanted to be, but I’m working on it
It’s been a long year. From December holidays I had a plan that this was the year to improve my photography and start my business. I was going to shoot every day, and process every day. That hasn’t happened. Life, you know? It just gets in the way sometimes doesn’t it? Working, partnering, parenting and just general day to day living can really take you away from your dreams.
But you just need to remember that getting to where you want to go takes work. There’s a few quotes that keep popping up that embody the best way to approach reaching your goals …
“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort.” Liz Gilbert. Liz Gilbert is one of my favourite creative inspirations. I’ve never read Eat, Pray, Love but I have read Big Magic and heard her speak on a number of podcasts.
Ultimately creativity and making great things comes down to two things: having an open heart and grabbing on and curiously exploring the small threads that interest you; and working your arse off. (more…)
Tackling one demon at a time
This time last year, Groovin the Moo morning, I was excited and petrified at once. I was embarking on an adventure I’d never experienced before. About to shoot a music festival with no experience and a small child I was reluctant to leave all day.
The sun was shining with a pleasant forecast for the rest of the day so I didn’t have todays worry of protecting my gear from the rain. I prepped my gear, charged batteries, formatted cards, cleaned lenses and packed my bag. (more…)
What’s on my photography business start up list?
It’s a daunting task setting up a new business. I’ve got an accounting and business background so I’m particularly meticulous about the planning stages. Dotting my t’s and crossing me i’s and the like. I have a manila folder that all my scribbled notes go in, a google drive folder that all my brainstorming and planning documents go in and a Trello board of all the things I need to do.
Here’s my to do list – it doesn’t include any photographic practice, this is just the business side of things. (more…)
Reigniting the passion for photography
The reinvigoration of my photographic journey started with this podcast that I accidentally started listening to.
By accidentally, I mean I was exclusively listening to podcasts about writing and being an entrepreneur at the time. I was determined that my calling was to be a writer … or entrepreneur, and was gathering as much information and inspiration as I could to get myself there. One of the episodes I’d been listening to ended and the first episode of this photography podcast started. (more…)
Fear vs self hate or ‘you won’t really die if you put yourself out there’
Fear. Actual ‘I’m about to die’ fear is not what we deal with everyday. It’s not what stops us from trying something new, putting a creation out into the world or putting ourselves out there. It is in instead, self hate. Our brain takes over and tells us all sorts of stories.
A photographers manifesto
To become a professional photographer is hard.
It’s more than just the difficulty of learning new skills. More than camera proficiency. More than lighting. More than directing and posing. More than sales. More than people skills.
It is overcoming the crippling fear and self doubt. That our work is good enough. That we deserve success. (more…)
My favourite podcasts
I love podcasts. My phone hooks into my car when I get in and podcasts start up automatically. The wonders of technology!
Some of my favourites that have inspired and informed me …
- So you want to be a photographer with Gina Milicia and Valerie Khoo
- My Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins
- The Tim Ferris Show
- Hack the Entrepreneur with Jon Nastor
- The Writer Files
- Will Write for Wine (no longer being produced but great fun)
I have so many more on my list that I want to listen to, but going through back catalogues for all the great information takes a lot of time
![Olympus OMD EM10](
Well, hello there sexy!
When you’re waiting for something to arrive EVERYTHING sounds like a delivery truck. Hoons on motorbikes, cute barking puppy dogs, the baby crying …. admit it, you race to door 80 times a day too. (more…)