When you’re waiting for something to arrive EVERYTHING sounds like a delivery truck. Hoons on motorbikes, cute barking puppy dogs, the baby crying …. admit it, you race to door 80 times a day too.
In my previous post I mentioned winning an Instagram competition. The prize was this guy – an Olympus OMD EM10 (aka Olly).
Now that he’d arrived I felt a little nervous. I’d been impatient while waiting, but now … Was he going to be everything I expected? Would he be easy to understand?
My fears were unfounded. Olly is easy to use, he takes great pictures and has lots of fun features. I’d read the manual while I was waiting (nerd alert!!), but even without reading the instructions it was easy enough to figure out many of the features.
The good stuff
Filters, I love me some filtery action. Ollys art mode has a gorgeous grainy black and white filter reminscent of my early days shooting on film. There are plenty of others that will help you create interesting photos. Cross process and pop art being my next two favourites.
Olly has plenty of other features that make him an awesome little camera. These are some of my faves:
Collage mode – create collages with different effects right in the camera. Great for instagram!
Wifi connection – you have the ability to control the camera, or you can download the photos to your phone or tablet for simple sharing.
Touch to focus – there is an electronic viewfinder or a touchscreen. The touchscreen snaps the picture at the same time, a nifty feature.
Manual modes – if you’re after something a little more advanced you can do the usual aperture priority, shutter, program and manual modes. The controls are easy and intuitive to use.
It’s taken me a couple of weeks to find some quality time to spend with Olly out in the wild. Here are a few snaps from a wander around town. Some were in aperture priority mode and some in iAuto.
Olly is going to fit right in to my little camera family, more functional than my iPhone and not as big and heavy as my DSLR.
What camera do you use for happy snaps? Please share with me in the comments.