What better way to start off my blog than to share some things about me.
Making: A new business, www.kyhanson.com.au and this blog
Cooking: Hearty and healthy winter food. Bacon and beef cheek stew, salmon for breakfast, roast beef and lamb with lots of green veggies
Drinking: Decaffeinated black tea
Reading: Peppermint magazine, Frankie Magazine and Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain
Wanting: To create more
Looking: At all things photography, blogging and SEO
Playing: Rise against and Amanda Palmer on repeat
Deciding: To start following my dreams and that who I am is perfectly ok
Wishing: That the package I’m waiting for would arrive!
Enjoying: This early morning peaceful writing time
Waiting: For warmer weather to return
Liking: Trashy TV shows like Americas Next Top Model and Project Runway, don’t judge me š
Wondering: About anything and everything, I follow wherever my thoughts take me
Loving: Watching my little one learn and grow
Pondering: What I want to come next
Considering: How to balance the many things I’m doing
Hoping: That we can get more planted for the spring veggie season
Marvelling: How much like a child I am when waiting for a package to arrive
Needing: To set some personal goals
Following: Some bloggers that I really love, Jasmine Star, House of humble, Fat Mum Slim … to name a few
Noticing: That the year is already half over and I’m not sure where the first half went
Knowing: I should watch less TV
Thinking: I need to have more belief in myself and to work on making my dreams come true
Admiring: Jasmine Stars blog, she’s a gorgeous generous lady
Smelling: Home made slow food
Wearing: Blue beanie
Sorting: Me sorting? not so much
Buying: Pencils with cute phrases, my favourites are paper blogging and genius in the making/writing
Getting: Excited about my new photography business
Bookmarking: Pete Evans Healthy Every Day http://www.peteevans.com.au/healthy-every-day/
Opening: Ok just once more in case you missed it, my new photography business!
Giggling: At the new things my little one says and does
Snacking: Brazil nuts
Coveting: Gorgeous concrete succulent planters by coral and herb
Wishing: I got more sleep!
Helping: My bebe learn and grow
Feeling: Joy, excitement, hope
Hearing: Peaceful zen music in my writing app
I came across ‘taking stock’ on the House of Humble blog. I’m a huge fan of Katie and Reubens, a couple who have made a treechange move from the city to more rural and thoughtful living. You can find them on the House of humble blog where they share how they live their humble life. The post idea originated over at meetmeatmikes.com this is a link to Pips latest taking stock post, where she has a blank template ready for you to fill in!
Thanks for reading. Share your taking stock post in the comments.