It’s been a hot minute since I’ve stopped in here. It’s fascinating going through your old blog posts, or journal entries – things that show you a past version of you. Sometimes it can be difficult to recognise the person that you used to be. I’ve just gone through the back catalogue of my posts on here, and it’s like I’m looking at someone else. Someone I no longer recognise. But that’s ok, you know? I’m well into my 40s, and the older I get, the more clearly I can see how much we change over a lifetime. Well over half a lifetime.
(more…)Category: Taking Stock
Taking Stock 19 – September 2024
It’s been a long, cosy winter buy the fire. It’s been a hibernating kind of winter. For a long time, I didn’t realise how much of an impact the level of pain I had in my body was having. you know imgiw something starts hurting. But you don’t do anything about it. And then 2 years later you realise that it’s still hurting.
And maybe, now it’s hurting enough so you decide to do something about it. Myotherapy with an amazing practitioner is unwinding some of the issues in my body.
Because of this, health is where I’m focussing my spare energy right now. I feel like I don’t have a lot of but I’ll do what I can.
(more…)Taking Stock 18 – July 2024
It’s been a minute since I’ve been here. Homeschooling my girl, and managing and working in the business takes up a lot of time. Well, energy more so. I get to the end of the day, and I’m brain dead. So I’ve been reading. Books are my little place away from the world right now.
(more…)Taking Stock 17 – January 2024
I’m not yet back in the habit of writing regularly, but like last time, I’m in my website to keep it updated and then needing a distraction from the work I’m supposed to be doing (at nearly 8pm because the day was full of back to homeschool things).
(more…)Taking Stock 16 – August 2023
It’s been a while since I last wrote. It’s been a big struggle to do much of anything this past year and a half. But I was updating the plugins on my site today and decided I needed to do something for myself this evening. The families out, so I’m here, writing a taking stock. Just because I love looking back on them. 🙂
(more…)Taking Stock 15 – January 2021
Christmas and New Years is now done for another year. I know many hoped for a happier start to 2021 as we get used to the new “normal”, a phrase that’s grating on my nerves. We’re fortunate where we are, to have had a relatively ‘normal’ Christmas – there were limits on numbers, but the cap didn’t affect our celebration.
I feel for those of you who couldn’t be with your loved ones over the holiday season, and I’m sending big love to you all.
(more…)Taking Stock 14 – September 2020
I used to love doing the taking stocks. It was so much fun looking back to see where you’ve come from, and what you loved at that moment in time. The last one I did was in March 2016.
Life has kind of gotten the better of me over the past few years. Being a mum and fitting in all the things that come with that have left me with little time or energy for the things I’d loved doing before that.
And 2020 has just body slammed so many of us. I think it might be nice to come back here later on and see what I spent my time doing. During lockdown, and during the turbulent times that ensue in a global pandemic.