I’m not yet back in the habit of writing regularly, but like last time, I’m in my website to keep it updated and then needing a distraction from the work I’m supposed to be doing (at nearly 8pm because the day was full of back to homeschool things).
The veggie garden is delighting with summer wonders of zucchini, cucumbers, snow peas, tomatoes, herbs, spaghetti squash, beetroot, chillies, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and plenty of green things. I’ve been drying some tomatoes and fermenting the abundance of zucchini we have.
We’ve had some pretty intense rain and storms, one of which overflowed the drains and ran into the lounge.
I’ve been back at work for 2 weeks, and it’s a slog getting back into it. I’ve had 4 weeks off (does that week before Christmas count as a week off?), and it’s the longest break I can remember having in a very long time. Years, decades even.
The school term activities started again today, and I got the wee one started on her back to homeschool stuff today after she’s had a lovely long summer break.
So here is my taking stock for 29 January 2024.
Making: Areyas for breakfast
Cooking: Beef. We ordered and received a 1/4 of a beast a bit over a month ago, so we’re eating amazing meat.
Drinking: Hot water, vinegar and honey; ginger and honey – my go to staples, some things never change.
Reading: The power of now by Eckhart Tolle and Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
Wanting: To find more ease and flow with life
Looking: At the sky, the blue sky is beautiful, and who knows what you might see at night!
Playing: My doggo Dali
Deciding: To be on my phone less
Wishing: For a camper van to travel this beautiful country (so I’m keeping this one, this is the thing I want right now!)
Enjoying: Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats self titled album. SOB, genius!
Waiting: For a trip to the beach
Liking: The new hamock
Wondering: How to make life more fun
Loving: Magic Bean Cake
Pondering: Is it a finite earth based life for us, or do we have eternal souls and this is just a small part?
Considering: What I’d do with more free time
Buying: Notebooks for writing
Watching: Billy Madison
Hoping: That you all have a joyfilled week
Marvelling: At the weird weather that we’re having this summer. The paper Daisys are flowering again.
Cringing: That greed and selfishness is put before seeing the humanity in others
Needing: To meditate and walk a lot
Questioning: Where my money goes
Smelling: Bolognese made with home grown tomatoes
Wearing: Prickle shoes
Following: My friends and their adventures
Noticing: That the earthly energy is changing
Knowing: That there is so much I don’t know, and will never know
Thinking: There’s more to it than what we know
Admiring: Those who know there’s bad things in the world but can still create a magical world – it’s a keeper, still very much applicable
Sorting: My kids room
Getting: Lots of fresh air
Bookmarking: Recipes on instagram
Coveting: Something different
Disliking: Not much right now
Opening: Work files
Giggling: Silly frenchies on the interwebs
Feeling: That I’m starting to get it right for me
Snacking: Bickies, gluten and dairy free
Helping: My clients by building amazing websites for them
Hearing: Charlie Crockett
If you’d like to play along head over to Meet Me at Mikes.