I’ve been reading Choose Yourself by James Altucher and he was talking about habits that Woody Allen has. There was one that resonated so hard with me about working for 5 hours – first thing – and then having the rest of the day to do what you want. Focus on consistently doing the work to get your ‘thing’ done. (more…)
Category: Books

Book: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
This is a short read. If you’re like me and a bit time (and sleep) poor at the moment, a short read is a good read. But don’t let it’s length fool you. It’s full of wonderful pearls of wisdom and butt kicking for the creative.
Steven describes the Resistance as the power that gets in the way of us achieving the thing. That thing we dream about doing.
Offering up a list of things that spark the Resistance, it includes writing, painting, music, art and other creative pursuits, diets, starting a business, spiritual advancements … you get the idea. The things we want to do to create something, or improve ourselves are the things that Resistance seeks to repress. (more…)
Good books for new ideas
My daily journalling and meditation practice has been kicking on for over two months now. After finishing the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss (effectiveness and efficiency – are you working on what you should be working on?) I’ve made some changes in my life. I’m now reading more non fiction than I ever have before. And much to my surprise, I’m really enjoying what I’ve been reading. (more…)