I’ve been reading Choose Yourself by James Altucher and he was talking about habits that Woody Allen has. There was one that resonated so hard with me about working for 5 hours – first thing – and then having the rest of the day to do what you want. Focus on consistently doing the work to get your ‘thing’ done.
A second thing was about doing the work, and not being distracted by external forces. Which ties in to todays philosophy in the Daily Stoic – “Plan all the way to the end”, Robert Greene. Having the plan till the end gives you the direction and the tasks that you need to work on, so you know what you’re doing instead of being distracted. To do the work, you’ve got to know what the work is.
To catch you up, choosing yourself is about doing the thing you want to do, and putting it out in the world – yourself. No waiting for gatekeepers to give you approval, not listening to those that say no. Not working for other people and wondering why you’re not fulfilled. You make the choice to choose yourself.
If you’re in a creative industry, or interested in working for yourself, Choose Yourself by James Altucher is a great read. Give him a follow on twitter too, he’s thoughtful and inspiring.