It’s a daunting task setting up a new business. I’ve got an accounting and business background so I’m particularly meticulous about the planning stages. Dotting my t’s and crossing me i’s and the like. I have a manila folder that all my scribbled notes go in, a google drive folder that all my brainstorming and planning documents go in and a Trello board of all the things I need to do.
Here’s my to do list – it doesn’t include any photographic practice, this is just the business side of things.
- Decide on business name (done)
- Register ABN (done)
- Create model release (done)
- Create contract and get reviewed by solicitor (done)
- Define process and workflow for working with clients (done)
- Determine cost of doing business (done)
- Find suitable suppliers of photography prints and other products (done)
- Create logo (done)
- Decide on services to offer
- Create a price list
To do list for setting up website
- Purchase domain name (done)
- Choose theme (done)
- Install CMS and theme (done)
- Define pages
- Write content
- Shoot anything specific
- Re-edit any older portfolio shoots to suit current style
- Compile all images to be used across the site
- Compile all images and text in to website
- Website launch things (on-site seo, analytics, submit sitemap to search engines etc)
To do list for social media
- Set up facebook page (done)
- Set up instagram for business
To do list for improving photography skills and building portfolio
This is purely for skill building, don’t expect to make any money out of this part of the process
- Create an offer for the personal sessions to build skills
- Advertise offer to potential clients
- Do personal sessions for portfolio building and testimonials
- Do commercial sessions for portfolio building and testimonials
I’m working at these tasks each day. Some are quick, some take longer. But bit by bit I’ll get there.
My favourite quotes for getting things done …
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” Mark Twain.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle
“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination that from reality.” Seneca
“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli
“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish” John Quincy Adams
I’m all motivated again now. If you’re looking to start your own photography business, take my list, build on it and work each day towards your own dreams 🙂
Good luck! Ky x