Days are filled with the busy life. Raising kids, working the day job to pay the bills and the general “I’m so tired, I can’t drag my arse off the couch.” I’m tired of that so I’m making some changes.
I’m starting to brainstorm projects. I’m figuring out when I can shoot and getting off my butt to start making and documenting. I don’t want to be another TV drone that sits on the couch and watches what other people have made. I do love watching though, so I won’t give it up completely 😉
Yesterday I got off my butt, practiced and made something. I’d been in the worst grumps all day. I’d eaten something that gave me bad anxiety and irritability. So I decided that I’d do my makeup, get out the Olympus OMD-EM10. Which has a nifty remote control app (it lets you see the image, control the settings and take the shot from your phone.) And just practice.
At the end of the shoot, I got my little girl in with me and we did some shots together. I’ll print some out for her photo album.
After taking the shots, I sat down and edited a few. I need to practice retouching with the tablet I’ve just gotten. Hubby picked out one, that I never would have picked and after editing, I really love it.
Settings are Olympus OMD EM10 1/80 f/4.0 ISO 5000 19mm