Ahoy hoy! It’s taking stock time! It’s been such a busy month around Indie Creative headquarters. Not so much with Indie but with the many other projects I have on the go. A new one that I’m super excited about will be launching soon so stay tuned!
My least favourite of all these projects is tax. Ugh! I despise tax time with a vengeance. My first job out of Uni was as a tax accountant. I found it mind numbingly dull … spreadsheets, calculations, bland software, uninterested clients, quiet office, no music, no colour … no life to it. Needless to say it wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong, I did learn some fantastic and useful skills that I utilise on a daily basis now in our business.
October has seen some beautiful warm {but not too hot} weather, beautiful meal at a gluten free cafe in South Yarra, the arrival of our new car, a few photo shoots with some gorgeous tiny people, ny little lady learning some cool new skills and me working on my writing more regularly. It’s been a happy, healthy and productive month for my and mine. In November we’re looking forward to some family time, a new project launching, more blogging, more photography, more people and more happy.
And now for the good stuff, my taking stock for October!
Making: stories
Cooking: bananas and dark chocolate in the microwave
Drinking: decaf tea
Reading: Gypsy Hunted by Andrea Weeks
Wanting: to be organised for Christmas
Looking: through photos for a project
Playing: with my gorgeous little girl
Deciding: Doc Marten Mary Janes or Pink Pumas
Wishing: I could work less and spend more time playing with my little lady
Enjoying: The little ones new tricks, shes learned how to give kisses today
Waiting: Not really waiting for anything, just enjoying what is here and happening now
Liking: new and interesting people
Wondering: What the future will bring
Loving: My new found enthusiasm for meeting new people, I’ve had some bad experiences and become quite jaded previously but I’m finding now that I can forgive and move past it and embrace the new people in my life.
Pondering: Bed time now, or later?
Considering: What my next photographic purchase will be
Watching: Breaking Bad. I’m so hooked on it. I think it deserves its own post {coming soon}. And Fashion Bloggers on Lifestyle
Hoping: That family members I haven’t spoken to in a while are all doing well {I might get on the phone right after this}
Marvelling: At the depth of creativity and inspiration I’ve found but simply opening my mind to it.
Needing: More confidence in my writing
Smelling: The define scent of the roses in our local botanical gardens
Wearing: boyfriend jeans and pink pumas
Following: a whole bunch of new and different people on instagram and twitter
Noticing: How other bloggers write and market themselves
Knowing: What I want to acheive
Thinking: calming and confident thoughts
Admiring: Creativity and confidence
Sorting: Tax papers :S
Buying: Gifts! Lots of birthdays at the moment. I love buying gifts when
Getting: Excited about the launch of a new project {more coming soon!}
Bookmarking: Engaging Women is the latest blog I’ve bookmarked.
Disliking: Noisy neighbours at stupid oclock at night
Opening: Blueberry and strawberry containers, little lady loves them
Giggling: The Big Bang theory and 2 Broke Girls
Feeling: excited, hopeful, thankful
Snacking: Gluten free lemon muffin
Coveting: These gorgeous D’Uomo Salvatore leather journals
Wishing: For our vegie garden to do well this season
Helping: My MIL use the Tivo we gave her
Hearing: A trashy playlist I had from the late 90s