It’s been a month of missing sleep, the tiny lady has stopped sleeping through the night and we haven’t been able to figure out why. It’s been quite the challenge to figure out how to manage working, mumming and sleeping.
I’ve made a new food discovery. I can’t eat chinese takeaway. It’s turns me into a blubbering, self doubting, anxious mess. Answer to that one, don’t eat chinese food. Makes me sad. Sometimes I just don’t have the energy to cook and there aren’t many takeaway foods left that we can eat. Gluten and dairy free is tough.
Taking stock time is one of my favourite times. I enjoy reflecting on the stand out things from the past month. This month is was hard, I think the lack of sleep thing has caught up with me.
Making: Coleslaw
Cooking: Pulled pork
Drinking: Hot water, and lots of it.
Reading: Frozen Heat by Richard Castle
Wanting: A new tube of hair goo
Looking: For things to add to my good things for 2015 bowl, to be opened new years eve
Playing: With blocks
Deciding: Sleep or work
Wishing: We could buy a small farm
Enjoying: This months favourite podcasts are The Portfolio Life by Jeff Goins and Hack the Entrepreneur with Jon Nastor
Waiting: For two new books to arrive
Liking: Paleo tortilla recipes, haven’t tried them yet though
Wondering: How we can find some extra funds to buy a farm
Loving: My new air plant pod
Pondering: Sleep or Work
Considering: New business ventures
Buying: Books
Watching: River Cottage Australia and Portrait artist of the year
Hoping: That sleeping patterns settle down soon *yawns*
Marvelling: At all the new words little lady can say now, and that swearing must stop
Cringing: At those who think they can keep doing things the same way and get different results
Needing: Less breaks in my sleep
Questioning: The best use of my time
Smelling: The pulled pork cooking away, so good.
Wearing: Hoodies
Following: Chef Pete Evans, good food is so important and so overlooked
Noticing: The inability and judgement of so many people surrounding what makes good food
Knowing: Paleo is the answer for my health
Thinking: I watch too much TV
Admiring: Bloggers who can make a living from it
Sorting: Old text books and throwing them out
Getting: New couch for the office, it’s nice and cosy
Bookmarking: Stephanie Alexanders Kitchen garden cooking with kids
Coveting: Sleep
Disliking: Cooking right now. I’d like it to be a little less time consuming
Opening: Books that arrive in the post
Giggling: American Pie Wedding
Feeling: Overwhelmed and sleepy
Snacking: Rice crackers
Helping: People learn to write their blog
Hearing: Drones by Muse
Taking stock by Pip over at Meet Me At Mikes.