So much busy around here at the moment. As a mama of an 18 month working in our home web design business, I’m finding that I’m stretched pretty thin. Scheduling and planning everything has become my new best friend. From a mind of organised chaos it’s not always easy. Trello, notepads and my calendar are my BFF’s.
Making: Time for all the things
Cooking: From my prepared meal list in trello. I have a big list of all the meals that I arrange each week for our dinners. Saves so much thinkingthe meals and assemble in the meal pla
Drinking: Decaf black tea
Reading: Everybody writes by Ann Handley
Wanting: More time to spend with my girl
Looking: For hidden food
Playing: Counting games
Deciding: Read, write or sleep?
Wishing: To finish reading the last Peppermint magazine
Enjoying: Above Peppermint magazine
Waiting: No time for waiting, everything is scheduled and then promptly forgotten
Liking: Quiet time to sit back and think about … nothing 🙂
Wondering: Why life is speeding by so fast these days
Loving: The accomplishment of achievement
Pondering: Some classes
Considering: Eating breakfast, I’m a bit pekish
Watching: Peg + cat
Hoping: Baby will have a good long snooze this afternoon
Marvelling: That I can still see straight – I was awake at 2am, it’s now 8.30
Needing: Perhaps a little more sleep some time today.
Smelling: Rain
Wearing: My yellow, orange and green Bert shirt
Following: Becoming Minimalist and Zen Habits
Noticing: The passionfruit flowers (finally!)
Knowing: I’m doing the best I can
Thinking: of all the things
Admiring: Working mamas who keep it together
Sorting: Still no sorting
Buying: Ergonomic things to make sore back life easier
Getting: A visitor this afternoon
Bookmarking: All the cool things for social on LUPO
Disliking: All the hate and judgement on social media
Opening: Fruits of all types for the baby fruit fiend
Giggling: At my own sleep deprived hilarity
Feeling: Hopeful that my little angels toofys will come through soon and she’ll be a little happier
Snacking: Grapes and pears
Coveting: New clothes, my wardrobe is all too big
Wishing: For more hours in the day to do all the things
Helping: The little one learn all the things
Hearing: Husband making electronic tunes
If you’re interested in your own list, you can copy from meet me at mikes