One of the things that Amanda talks about in The art of asking is why people don’t ask. Three reasons: Fear of rejection, feeling undeserved of help and not wanting to burden anyone. Which one are you?
Me, I fit all three. The one that sings most loudly to my ears is the desire to not be a burden to anyone. I can do it. Myself. Alone. Without needing help from anyone.
I’ve found lately that yes I do need help. And I have no idea how to ask for it. When I think about asking I don’t feel worthy of any help being offered. And what if they say no? Wait up, looks like I do suffer from all three.
Changing my thinking is slowly, slowly, improving my ability to ask for help. Acknowledging the trust involved, on both sides. I must trust and I must be trusted for this to work.
How are your trust levels?